" Choose to live your life inspired! "
"Touch the surface, and you stir the depths."
— Deane Juhan, author of Job's Body
"The bodyworker is not an interventionist; he is a facilitator, a diplomatic intermediary
between physiological processes that have lost track of one another's proper
functions and goals, between a mind that has forgotten what it needs to know in
order to exert harmonious control and a body politic which increasingly utilizes
disruptive demonstrations, terrorist tactics, and even the threat of all-out civil war to
regain its governor's attention. Touching hands are not like pharmaceuticals or
scalpels. They are like flashlights in a darkened room. The medicine they
administer is self-awareness. And for many of our painful conditions this is the
aid that is most urgently needed."
- Deane Juhan, "Job's Body, A Handbook for Bodywork".
The Strength of a Broken Heart
"...there are at least two ways to understand what it
means to have our heart broken. One is to imagine a
heart broken into shards and scattered about -- a feeling
most of us know, and a fate we would like to avoid. The
other is to imagine the heart broken open into a new capacity
-- a process that is not without pain but one that
many of us would welcome. As I stand in the tragic gap
between reality and possibility, the small tight fist of a
thing called my heart can break open into greater capacity
to hold more of my own and the world's suffering and joy,
despair and hope."
Parker J. Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness, p. 178
Learn to dance in the rain
"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." ~ Vivian Greene
Are you hunkered down, laying low, waiting for the economy to get better? I am optimistic that things are going to get better, but I don't have a crystal ball and I don't know for sure. No one knows the future for sure. Right now things can be scary but they can also be great.
What if you decided to appreciate where you are right now? What if you decided there are some positive things to be gained - right now. You get to choose how you view your life and your situation. What do you choose? Are you waiting or dancing?
Now is the time to dance, because the longer you just wait, the easier it is to keep waiting...and waiting. The perfect time to dance will never come. Dance while things are imperfect and things will get better pretty darn fast.
So start dancing, now is the time.
-- Linda Giles
Bellingham, Washington, United States